Jumatatu, 14 Desemba 2015

Coffee production in Tanzania


Coffee production in Tanzania is a significant aspect of its economy as it is Tanzania's largest export crop.[1] Tanzanian coffee production averages between 30-40,000 metric tons each year of which approximately 70% is Arabica and 30% is Robusta. The main growing regions of Arabica are in North Kilimanjaro, Mbeya, Matengo Highlands, Mbinga, Usambara Mountains, Iringa, Morogoro, Kigoma and Ngara. The main growing region of Robusta is the Bukoba area of the Kagera Region.[2] Two new species were found recently in Tanzania's Eastern Arc Mountains, Coffea bridsoniae and C. kihansiensis.[3] Harvest time is traditionally October to February. Ninety percent of the nation's coffee farms are smallholder, with the remainder being plantations; there are approximately 270,000 workers in the coffee industry.

Before 1990, the State coffee board and the cooperative unions were responsible for marketing coffee. Reforms in 1990 and in 1994/95 effected export pricing.[4] Coffee wilt disease appeared in Tanzania in 1997, spreading rapidly and causing serious losses.[5]

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